Aiming to increase public awareness on elections dispute resolution, the project developed a knowledge toolkit that included a guide on “Complaints and Challenges related to Parliamentary Elections 2018” in Arabic and English and a series of four animation clips in the same context.
The toolkit aims to provide citizens, as well as other parties involved in elections, with practical information on the main types of complaints and claims that might occur during the different phases of the parliamentary elections, and the ways to file them.
The animated clips are as follows:

Complaints related to the Electoral Campaign: Electoral Funding and Spending
This video contains information regarding the complaints that may be submitted during the electoral campaign for the parliamentary elections, notably related to the electoral funding and spending.

Complaints related to the Electoral Campaign: Electoral Media and Advertising
This video provides information on the complaints that may be submitted during the electoral media and advertising phase of the electoral campaign for the parliamentary elections.

Complaints arising from E-Day
This video tackles the violation/s that might occur during E-day which can affect the elections’ results.

Challenging the Validity of Election
This video provides information on challenging the validity of election and addresses the following questions: who is eligible to challenge? When and to whom to submit a challenge?
The clips are uploaded on UNDP and LEAP’s social media platforms and were shared by many partners and individuals.
The EU-funded UNDP Lebanese Elections Assistance Project (LEAP) started its activities in October 2012 with the main objective to strengthen the institutional capacity of the national institutions and stakeholders in terms of electoral management and administration, for the conduct of credible, periodical, transparent and inclusive elections in Lebanon.
To achieve these objectives, UNDP LEAP works closely with the Ministry of Interior and Municipalities (MoIM), responsible for electoral management, administration and overall electoral operations. The project also supports other electoral stakeholders, such as the Constitutional Council, State Council, Supervisory Commission for the Election (SCE), judicial bodies and works in close cooperation with civil society organizations (CSOs). Within this context, UNDP LEAP provides electoral technical assistance and advisory support focused on: 1) management & administration of elections; 2) supervisory commission for elections; 3) voter education; 4) electoral dispute resolution; and 5) women’s participation in elections.